
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why I Believe in One Holy Catholic church

Why I Believe in One Holy Catholic church

I am a Catholic because I sincerely believe, by virtue of much cumulative evidence, that Catholicism is true, and that the Catholic Church is the visible Church divinely-established by our Lord Jesus, against which the gates of hell cannot and will not prevail (Mt 16:18), thereby possessing an authority to which I feel bound in Christian duty to submit. I am convinced that the Catholic Church conforms much more closely to all of the biblical data, offers the only coherent view of the history of Christianity (i.e., Christian, apostolic Tradition), and possesses the most profound and sublime Christian morality, spirituality, social ethic, and philosophy. We Roman Catholics believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, and worship the God of Abraham. The Roman Catholic Church has a single leader, the Pope, who is also the Bishop of Rome. Present day governance of the Church is divided hierarchically into Dioceses overseen by a Diocesan Bishop, who in turn oversees Diocesan priests and deacons on the level of the individual Church. The original Christian community was founded by Jesus Christ and led by the Apostles. The Roman Catholic Church considers itself to be the sole and uninterrupted continuation of the first-century Church. The Church has always been pro-life.
The term "Catholic" is frequently used as an adjective meaning, "pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church." is "universal" The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with 1.2 billion members. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in the history of Western civilisation. The Roman Catholic Church asserts that the Pope is the divinely-chosen successor of St. Peter, believing him to be the 'rock' (Matthew 16:18) upon whom Jesus built his Church. The Roman Catholic Church has suffered several schisms over its history. Most notable are those involving the Church of the East following the First Ephesian Council, the Oriental Orthodox churches following the Council of Chalcedon, the Eastern Orthodox Church following the Great Schism of 1054, and the several Reformations of the 16th century leading to the development of Protestantism. The Pope and the  international leadership of the Church are based in Vatican City, a sovereign elective monarchy and an enclave of Rome established by the 1929 Lateran Treaty. The Catholic Church has a complex hierarchy of clergy, including (in descending order of rank):
1. The Pope 2. Cardinals 3. Archbishops 4. Bishops 5. Abbots 6. Monsignors 7. Arch priests 8. Priests 9. Deacons
The Roman Catholic Church stresses that since the members, living and dead, share in each other’s merits, the Virgin Mary and other saints and the dead in Purgatory are never forgotten, may be addressed in prayer, and intercedes with God on the behalf of the living. The very physical and spiritual body and blood of Christ are believed to be present in the Eucharist, the bread and wine being Jesus himself, replacing the material of bread and wine. The principal sources for the essential beliefs of the Catholic Church are the Sacred Scriptures (the Bible), Sacred Tradition, and the Living Magisterium of the Church.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches respect for all human life. It opposes the practices of contraception, abortion, euthanasia and (in most cases) capital punishment. The Church is in favour of social justice and "the common good.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The New Translation of the Roman missal

Revised Roman Missal:
Understanding the reasons for the changes

The third edition of the Roman Missal was promulgated by Pope John Paul II in the year 2000. After nearly ten years of work by bishops, scholars, poets, and musicians, an English-language translation of this important liturgical book is published in Nov. 2011.

For Catholics the Mass is at the heart of our faith and the words we use and how we celebrate express and shape what we believe. The new translation of the Roman Missal won’t just bring a change in words. It will also bring a change in tone, calling for greater humility from both the priest and the congregation. Many of those words were first used in the Mass by apostles, saints and Church Fathers. They were drawn from the scrolls of Hebrew Scripture and the written and oral tradition of the Church. Some are the words of Christ. Others are the words of those who followed him. In articulating that, the new translation does what the Mass is supposed to do: It puts us in right relationship with God. It also reminds us who we are.

1)      More biblical language

The new translation is not only more accurate renderings of the Latin originals, but also evoking images and words from Scripture; for example “I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,” are the words spoken by the Roman centurion, whose faith in Jesus led him to seek a cure for his servant. Another example I can give is that “From the rising of the sun to its setting,” quotes Psalm 113, as well as the prophets Malachi and Isaiah. Likewise you will come across many original scripture quotations in the new translation.

2)      More praise for God 

Throughout the new translation, God is more fully and faithfully praised. That includes in the Gloria. All those words and phrases included in the new Gloria are in the original Latin. The previous translators lumped it all into one phrase, but in the new translation all those words of praise are there. Not only is it more poetic, but it helps us realize how important our praise is.

            3) Fewer ‘Almighty Fathers’

In the opening prayers and changing parts of the newly translated Mass, Catholics will notice fewer references to God the Father. In the Latin original, there just happen to be far fewer references to God as Father. The new translation and the emphasis on being faithful to the Latin, the references have been removed.


The Mass is not simply a private encounter between an individual and Jesus Christ. In a mystical manner, the whole Church is present in every celebration of the Mass, including the angels and the martyrs and saints of all ages. And in any event, does the atomic "I" rather than the collective "we" really detract from the former so very much. With this in mind, we should be able to appreciate fully the Congregation for Divine Warship's command that in translating the missal, the greatest care is to be taken to maintain the identity and unitary expression of the Roman Rite, not as a sort of historical monument, but rather as a manifestation of the theological realities of ecclesiastical communion and unity. It is about what the prayer really says, and offering the same prayers as our brothers and sisters in Christ across the world; many languages, one prayer. The new translation has laudable goals: liturgical unity in the universal Church. We should therefore see those things in the new translation that trouble us as water over the dam, and more than that, see the entire enterprise as a golden opportunity for catechises.

Thank You

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Specialty Of Tamil-Tamilan- Tamil language (Dravidian)

Specialty Of Tamil-Tamilan- Tamil language (Dravidian)

Sumerian,Arabic,Mayan,Meso,Persian,Turkish etc are strongly believed as from Tamil. Sumerian are believed to have similarity in the language script and certain culture co relation between both language(enable to date Tamil as 40,000 BC language. ) Mayan are strongly believed to be from Ceylon Tamil community even inscription of Tamil culture found in the Mayan civilization. Tamil are believed to be one lived even in Indus-Valley,Mohenjo Daro,Mergargh Tamil may be first ever language with written & spoken format and its first Language born on the Indian-Subcontinent. Tamil-Mother of all Dravidian Language.

Tamil recognized as one of 7 Classical language of the world. Its Second Largest Language Spoken in the world older than 40,000 years. Only Dravidian Language to be official language outside India(Sri Lanka,Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius ) Tamil Language & Culture believed to Never had Caste and Religion in its tradition. There is no equal word or term found for caste in Tamil. Even 2000 year old Thirukural is common without an discrimination. Tamil are believed to be living in group rather distinction based on the caste. “யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்”-purananuru(400AD)@Every Where is my home & all are my Kindred.(which define no caste in Tamil culture) Tholkapium is the oldest book in the world which is about 3000 years old. Thirukural which stated to be 2500 years and translated in most of the world language Zen Buddhism from Tamil palava Kingdom. Oldest martial arts in the world-Kalari(father of all Asian martial arts) Tamil Brahmi script found in Egypt.

 Bharatnatyam-World's oldest dance form in the world extinct over 3000years (1500BC) Great Anicut(Kallani)oldest dam built & in service in the world built by karikala Cholan about 1800 years back. 55% of epigraphical inscription(55,000)found in India are in Tamil language.
Lama from Tamil civilization. Senegal Language as a link with Tamil language. Two Tamil manuscript is Recorded in UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 1997 and 2005. Tamil pottery are found in Thailand and Egypt. Tamil people  the first sailor through the sea. Pachesi Game were found in Me-so-American Civilization. Jalikatu a Tamil traditional game which as origin over 20,000 years back. Tamil Measurement are unique in range even value for it in SI is not found. Only World's longest classical language in exists. Sidha Medical form is dated to be oldest medical form in the world. When all Other Civilization in the world are in maturation Tamil civilization are believed to have well established Kingdom (trade,medicine,agriculture,warrior etc) Tamil's developed drama,singing and music along with there civilization.Even today Tamil Cinema one of the world's top 5 producer. Carnatic Singing believed to 2000 years old. 

Due to repeated Invasion and Migration of Tamil's have lost there ethnic value. Still in many nations Tamil's are believed to be lived like Latin America,Africa,Maldives etc(but only they have identity of Tamil they cant speak,write,read) Due to rapid colonization of English language Tamil is losing its Heritage of the script. Next generation Tamil people are stepping into the world were without learning Mother tongue Tamil they can survive in the world. Tamil Culture are believed to be in rapid Depletion phase. Since Occupational Change of Tamil's there is great influence of other language in Tamil Many Tamil Pr-Civilization History is hidden or lost in the Civilization Phase.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

PERSON OF THE YEAR 2013: Pope Francis

PERSON OF THE YEAR 2013: Pope Francis, 

The People’s Pope

With a focus on compassion, the leader of the Catholic Church has become a new voice of conscience.

திருத்தந்தை பிரான்சிஸ்: 2013ம் ”ஆண்டின் மனிதர்”

வத்திக்கான் வானொலி சிறப்புச் செய்தி

டிச.11,2013. திருத்தந்தை பிரான்சிஸ் அவர்களை, 2013ம் ”ஆண்டின் மனிதர்” என அறிவித்துள்ளது Time இதழ். இந்த மதிப்பைப் பெற்றுள்ள மூன்றாவது திருத்தந்தையாக,திருத்தந்தை பிரான்சிஸ் அவர்கள் உள்ளார். இதற்கு முன்னர் 1962ம் ஆண்டில் முத்திப்பேறுபெற்ற திருத்தந்தை 23ம் ஜான் அவர்களும், 1994ம் ஆண்டில் முத்திப்பேறுபெற்ற திருத்தந்தை 2ம் ஜான் பால் அவர்களும் ”ஆண்டின் மனிதர்” என அறிவிக்கப்பட்டனர்.

இவ்வறிவிப்பு குறித்து அறிக்கை வெளியிட்ட திருப்பீட பத்திரிகை அலுவலகத் தலைவர் இயேசு சபை அருள்பணி பெதரிக்கோ லொம்பார்தி, திருத்தந்தை பிரான்சிஸ் அவர்கள், புதிய திருத்தந்தையாகத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டதிலிருந்து அவரைச் சுற்றியெழும் பெரும் அலைஅதிர்வுகளைப் பார்க்கும்போது, இந்த அறிவிப்பு வியப்பாக இல்லை எனத் தெரிவித்தார்.

ஒரு பன்னாட்டு ஊடகத்தால் வழங்கப்படும் மிக மதிப்புமிக்க விருதுகளில் ஒன்றாகிய ”ஆண்டின் மனிதர்” விருது, ஆன்மீக, சமய மற்றும் அறநெறி விழுமியங்களை ஊக்குவிக்கும் ஒருவருக்கு, அமைதிக்கும் நீதிக்கும் நுண்ணறிவுடன் அழைப்புவிடுக்கும் ஒருவருக்கு கொடுக்கப்பட வேண்டும்,இந்நிலையில் இவ்விருது திருத்தந்தை பிரான்சிஸ் அவர்களுக்கு வழங்கப்பட்டிருப்பது ஒரு நல்ல அடையாளம் என்றும் அருள்பணி லொம்பார்தி கூறினார்.

திருத்தந்தையைப் பொறுத்தவரை அவர் தன்னிலே புகழையும் மதிப்பையும் விரும்பாதவர், ஏனெனில் அவர், தனது வாழ்வை கடவுளின் அன்பின் நற்செய்தியை மனுக்குலத்துக்கு அறிவிக்கும் பணிக்கு அர்ப்பணித்திருக்கிறார் எனவும், இப்பணியின் வழியாக மனிதருக்கு நம்பிக்கையை வழங்குவதே திருத்தந்தை பிரான்சிஸ் அவர்களுக்கு மகிழ்வூட்டுவதாக இருக்கின்றது எனவும் அருள்பணி லொம்பார்தி கூறினார்.

Thanks to: Vatican Radio Tamil

Monday, December 9, 2013



Every morning I started the day with the Holy Eucharist at 7.00 in EWTN. The Holy Eucharist is being telecast as a live program at 7.00 am and re telecast in the noon and in the evening. Some people from Srilanka have seen me in the TV and communicated to my Mom. Time table has been scheduled to observe and work under experts from each department. Persons under whom I have worked were very gentle and kind. Some staffs took me for site seeing, base ball tournament, museums, historical places, botanical garden and also took me to Indian restaurants to eat and so on. Even I had an opportunity to see the great Martin Luther King Jnr’s house as well. It was my great luck to be the part of EWTN family celebration which held for two days. It was organized in a grand scale for the television viewers and the Radio listeners, promoters, resource persons, benefactors from all over the world and the EWTN staffs from all the sectors. I could be able to interact with all kinds of people who participated and gather information related to my purpose of being in EWTN. One of the Sundays MFVA friars, founded by Mother Angelika who are residing at the EWTN premise took me to the Our Lady of the Angels Monastery shrine which is located on a hill away from the EWTN; there I could concelebrate Sunday mass inside the room of bedridden Mother Angelika. I count this event as one of the tremendous opportunities I had during the course of my internship. Finally, let me write in short about my learning experience during the internship program.

Knowledge acquired during the internship

1     Department of Production
2     Department of Programming
3     Department of Acquisition:-
4     Studio Production
·         Control Room
·         Set Designing
  5. Department of Traffic:-
·         Promo Editors
·         TOC or Technical Operation Control
·         Viewer Services
     6. Creative Department
    7. Department of Theology
8   EWTN Radio Station
9   Printing Press
NOTE: - All the credit and the appreciation go to Mother Angelika for founding the massive Mass Media Ministry. Mother Angelica founded the network relying solely on Divine Providence, which it continues even to do today.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Social Media: The Latest Evangelism Tool

Social Media: The Latest Evangelism Tool

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are the three major social networks right now. The social media allows more personalized approach. Social network websites are an effective method of listening in on the opinions. This is a convenient way for asking questions and gets the necessary answers. The social media sites are a good way to get your name known throughout the Internet and for you to discuss what you are interested in. This is the way to develop a reputation online. Over 1 billion people worldwide use the Internet as a source of information and entertainment. When people began to take the time to do that, it made a difference in their hearts who knows what one link might do in a life? It could change it completely. It is not necessary to own a business to lead web surfers to the gospel message. Anyone can have a personal Web site, a blog or a profile on social networking sites. In a world where technology can connect to friends and relatives on the other side of the planet, it’s not much of a stretch to imagine it’s also good for connecting communities of faith.

Social media is built on networks of friends with common interests. It’s easier than ever to communicate with more people online. People of faith can use such social media as Twitter, YouTube, blogs, etc. to reach out both to ‘seekers’ (those looking for more information about religious faith) and believers alike to share the tenets of their faith, encourage deepening one’s religious faith, answering questions of doubt, and much more. Nearly 2,000 years after Jesus commanded followers to go into the entire world and make disciples, an increasing number of gospel messengers are doing their missionary travels by way of social media. Studies show that those who commit to Christ via the Web read their Bible more often than the average American Christian and also more often share their faith, which shows a genuine experience with Christ. Study reported that half of people who made a decision for Jesus over the Internet have subsequently shared their faith with others. Of the more than 100,000 surveyed around the world, 51 percent said they shared their faith three times or more and 37 percent said they shared their faith at least once or twice.

With the Internet, the gospel can be effective in a peer-to-peer way, many of the social media outreach ministries appealing more to the masses than the individual. How it can become something [effective] is if people go in with a predetermined idea of how to evangelize, the example posting life experience story in online. The key is finding common ground, and then letting Christianity spread by its very nature. There are elements of Internet evangelism that still need to be fine-tuned, including working with language barriers. Many Internet ministries offer different sites in multiple languages. But how are you going to reach people who don’t have a desktop computer or electricity? This is also one of the main challenges for the social media ministry.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Catholic Church and Mass Media

Catholic Church and Mass Media

By the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, the Catholic Church was becoming quite enthusiastic about the opportunities afforded by the media. Documents used terms such as "marvelous technical inventions" (1963) and "gifts of God" (1971). This last quote was contained in a landmark document called Communio et Progressio ('Instruction on the means of social communication') by the Pontifical Council for Social Communication, founded by Pope Paul VI. It is directed both at those who work within the media and at recipients of messages through the media. The professionals are reminded that they have a responsibility to express the dignity of the human being and to serve truth in their productions and publications. The document also urges Christians to help "bring to the fore a Christian point of view on all questions that exercise people in society" (n. 103). 

The decree on Social Communication Inter Mirifica was one of the very first two documents promulgated by the Second Vatican Council on December 4, 1963. More than 40 years after the final promulgation by Pope Paul VI on December 4, 1963. One might see Inter Mirifica in a different light. One has to admit that the Council Fathers in their decision to reduce the document to its essentials but at the same time asking for a more extensive pastoral instruction to be worked out by professionals was a wise move. This pastoral instruction “with the help of experts from various countries” was published as Communio et Progressio on May 23, 1971 in order to “ensure that all the principles and rules of the Council on the means of Social Communication be put into effect” (Inter Mirifica, 23). This instruction which was endorsed and approved by Pope Paul VI therefore must be considered as integral and interpretative part of the Council Decree.

-The decree itself sees the use of the modern means of communication as being already included in the teachings of Jesus Christ to share the faith with all the world (Mt. 28, 18). From here the decree states that it is the birthright of the Church to use and own these means of communication for her pastoral activities. Such a stand has consequences for all pastors as well as lay members of the Church (IM, 3). From such a conviction flows the need to keep and develop the moral order within which the media are to operate and used according to the circumstances but also the conscience of those involved (IM, 4-5). The right to information as a moral right and part of human dignity is confirmed; art and moral law as well as the presentation of evil are addressed (IM, 6-7). The role of Public opinion is underlined, but also the responsibilities of recipients, communicators and civil authorities are mentioned (IM, 9-12).
In 2012, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI surprised the world by joining Twitter. Behind the scenes, the Pontifical Council for Social Communications provided instrumental guidance for Church leadership in the use of new and popular mediums of communication, leading the Pope himself into this new and exciting platform for social communication. The Pontifical Council for Social Communications is the Vatican’s department for handling social communications, from newspaper to radio and from television to internet. This collection provides the official writings of this dicastery, laying a ground work for a Catholic understanding of social communication channels and guiding the decisions of the leadership of the Catholic Church in the use of new instruments of communication. Most importantly, the Pontifical Council for Social Communications explores new ways in which the gospel can be distributed through new and emerging social communication channels.


Pope Francis the great communicator of LOVE

Pope Francis: a new approach to communication

Almost a month on from the election of the first Latin American pontiff, the head of the Vatican’s Council for Social Communications says Pope Francis is pioneering new ways of sharing the faith with people in and outside the Christian Church.
At the heart of the discussion, Archbishop Celli says, lies not just the question of how to use the new technologies, but rather of how to bring the Word of Christ to men and women living in an increasingly digitalized world. Archbishop Celli says: “I will give you an example: do you remember how the Pope was embracing a young handicapped boy, placing his cheek near to the cheek of the boy? No words, but that was the only way to communicate something to that boy. I think this pope, Pope Francis, from Latin America, is helping us to rediscover that communication is not only an intellectual problem…..As you realize, he’s using images – last Holy Thursday he was addressing priests working here in Rome, telling them that a good priest must have the smell of the sheep to whom he is belonging – a quite clear image! With that image the Holy Father was communicating a lot of concepts that people can perceive immediately from that image. It means that Pope Francis is not only touching the intellectual aspect, but is touching the heart and the imagination – that is why I’m talking about a new approach to communication…”(Vatican Radio)
During his general audience, Pope Francis reflected on the resurrection of the body, explaining that we are “imprinted” with eternal life, which we are able to experience even now through the sacraments. “Through baptism, we are inserted into his death and resurrection and begin to experience new life,” the pope stated in his Dec. 4 general audience, highlighting how “the seed of eternity is planted within us.” Pope Francis directed his weekly address to the thousands of pilgrims present in Saint Peter’s Square, returning to the conclusion of the Creed when believers proclaim their belief in “the resurrection of the body.” “Dear brothers and sisters,” he began, “today we look again at the affirmation: “I believe in the resurrection of the body,” highlighting three different aspects of the relationship between Christ’s resurrection and our own. First of all, noted the pontiff, “the Gospel reveals to us that our faith in the resurrection is bound to the person of Jesus Christ, who himself said ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’”
This proclamation, the pope stated, “is not easy to understand” because we are “immersed in this world,” however “the Gospel clarifies it to us: the fact that Jesus resurrected is the proof that the resurrection of the dead exists.” In the Gospel, observed the pontiff, “the Risen Christ gives his disciples the Holy Spirit as a pledge of communion with God which has its fullness in eternity.” “The anticipation of eternal life is the source and reason for our hope. If this hope is cultivated,” he explained, “It illuminates our lives as persons and communities.”  “Like us in all things but sin, Christ gathers us to himself so that we may accompany him in his journey back to the Father,” the pope continued, stating that Jesus has “taken us with him on his return to the Father in the glorious kingdom.” “The omnipotence and faithfulness of God do not end at the door of death… Christ is always with us, he comes every day and he will come at the end.” Turning to the physical aspect of our resurrection from the dead, the pope explained that “Christ rose in his glorified body,” and that “through Christ, our bodies will also be glorified and reunited with our souls at the resurrection.”
“Living off of this faith,” he emphasized, “we will be less prisoners of the ephemeral, less prisoners of the transient,” going on to say that “this transfiguration of our body is already being prepared.” It is prepared for us in this life, he observed, “with the encounter of the Risen Christ, especially in the Eucharist, in which we nourish ourselves with his Body and Blood.” Pope Francis concluded by explaining that through our baptism, we have been “inserted” into the death and resurrection of Jesus “and begin to experience new life,” adding that “the image of eternity is imprinted on us and calls us to respect the lives of all people, especially those who suffer.” “In this way,” explained the pope, “we can experience the closeness of the Reign of God, towards which we all journey together.” “We have a seed of the resurrection, a glimpse of eternity, which always makes all human life worthy of respect and love.”
After his address, Pope Francis urged the 30,000 pilgrims in attendance to offer special prayers for a group of nuns who were taken by force from the Greek Orthodox Monastery of Saint Tecla in the ancient Christian town of Ma’lula in Syria earlier this week. “I would like to invite everyone to pray for the religious sisters,” he petitioned, according to a Catholic News Agency report, “who, two days ago, were taken away by force by armed men.” According to Vatican Radio, the 12 nuns, as well as three other women, were forced to “evacuate” their convent in Ma’lula on Monday, and were taken to the neighboring town of Yabroud, which has a large Christian population, and is also controlled by the rebels. “Let us pray for these sisters, and for all those who have been kidnapped on account of the on-going conflict,” the pope encouraged, “let us continue to pray and to work for peace.” The Holy Father brought the audience to a close by leading the faithful in praying a “Hail Mary,” and invoking the intercession of Mary “Queen of Peace.” (Vatican Radio)