Social Media: The Latest Evangelism Tool
YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are the three major social networks right now. The social media allows more personalized approach. Social network websites are an effective method of listening in on the opinions. This is a convenient way for asking questions and gets the necessary answers. The social media sites are a good way to get your name known throughout the Internet and for you to discuss what you are interested in. This is the way to develop a reputation online. Over 1 billion people worldwide use the Internet as a source of information and entertainment. When people began to take the time to do that, it made a difference in their hearts who knows what one link might do in a life? It could change it completely. It is not necessary to own a business to lead web surfers to the gospel message. Anyone can have a personal Web site, a blog or a profile on social networking sites. In a world where technology can connect to friends and relatives on the other side of the planet, it’s not much of a stretch to imagine it’s also good for connecting communities of faith.
Social media is built on networks of friends with common interests. It’s easier than ever to communicate with more people online. People of faith can use such social media as Twitter, YouTube, blogs, etc. to reach out both to ‘seekers’ (those looking for more information about religious faith) and believers alike to share the tenets of their faith, encourage deepening one’s religious faith, answering questions of doubt, and much more. Nearly 2,000 years after Jesus commanded followers to go into the entire world and make disciples, an increasing number of gospel messengers are doing their missionary travels by way of social media. Studies show that those who commit to Christ via the Web read their Bible more often than the average American Christian and also more often share their faith, which shows a genuine experience with Christ. Study reported that half of people who made a decision for Jesus over the Internet have subsequently shared their faith with others. Of the more than 100,000 surveyed around the world, 51 percent said they shared their faith three times or more and 37 percent said they shared their faith at least once or twice.
With the Internet, the gospel can be effective in a peer-to-peer way, many of the social media outreach ministries appealing more to the masses than the individual. How it can become something [effective] is if people go in with a predetermined idea of how to evangelize, the example posting life experience story in online. The key is finding common ground, and then letting Christianity spread by its very nature. There are elements of Internet evangelism that still need to be fine-tuned, including working with language barriers. Many Internet ministries offer different sites in multiple languages. But how are you going to reach people who don’t have a desktop computer or electricity? This is also one of the main challenges for the social media ministry.
Awesom….gives a clear idea ……….